C++ Actor Helper


  • Scan for actors of a class in a sphere

  • Can it called by Blueprint: YES

  • Blueprint type: Callable


static bool ActorsInSphere(UObject* WorldContext, UClass* ActorClass, FVector Location, TArray<AActor*> Ignore, TArray<AActor*>& OutActors, float Range = 250.0f);
Input Description

UObject* WorldContext

Will autofilled in Blueprint

UClass* ActorClass

Class of the actor for searching

FVector Location

Location of the sphere for searching

float Range

range of the sphere for searching

Output Description

bool Return

Is an Actor found in range (return false if there is no Actor)

TArray<AActor*>& OutActors

Actors that found in defined range


  • Fire a line from an actor to another actor and test is there a hit between them

  • Can it called by Blueprint: YES

  • Blueprint type: Callable


static bool HasFreeLineToActor(UObject* WorldContext, AActor* ActorSource, AActor* ActorTarget, float ZOffsetSource = 0.0f, float ZOffsetTarget = 0.0f);
Input Description

UObject* WorldContext

Will autofilled in Blueprint

AActor* ActorSource

Actor where the line start

AActor* ActorTarget

Actor where the line end

float ZOffsetSource

offset for the location of the start actor

float ZOffsetTarget

offset for the location of the end actor

Output Description

bool Return

Is a Actor found in range (return false if there is no Actor)


  • Fire a line from an actor component to another actor component and test is there a hit between them

  • Can it called by Blueprint: YES

  • Blueprint type: Callable


static bool HasFreeLineToComponent(UObject* WorldContext, USceneComponent* ComponentSource, USceneComponent* ComponentTarget, float ZOffsetSource = 0.0f, float ZOffsetTarget = 0.0f);
Input Description

UObject* WorldContext

Will autofilled in Blueprint

USceneComponent* ComponentSource

Component where the line start

USceneComponent* ComponentTarget

Component where the line end

float ZOffsetSource

offset for the location of the start component

float ZOffsetTarget

offset for the location of the end component

Output Description

bool Return

Is a Actor found in range (return false if there is no Actor)