Satisfactory Modding Documentation


Welcome to the Satisfactory Modding Documentation site!

Here you can find lots of information regarding modding Satisfactory, the factory-building sim by Coffee Stain Studios (CSS). Modding for Satisfactory is more established than you might think given how long the game has been out. There are already numerous mods released, and there are multiple methods by which you can develop new mods yourself.

In this page, we will provide some surface level information for both mod users and developers.

If you want to take part in this great community, we recommend you join our Discord Server.

For Users

If you’d like to get started using mods, this section is for you.

Satisfactory Mod Repository (aka. SMR aka. aka. FICSIT Augmentation Database)

The Satisfactory Mod Repository (SMR) is the most extensive collection of mods made for Satisfactory. It’s easy to upload a mod of your own or write a guide for other users. Uploaded content is tested for malware and such before it is approved for download. Visit to learn more.

Satisfactory Mod Manager (aka. SMM)

The Satisfactory Mod Manager allows the end user to easily install mods, their dependencies, and the mod loader. It connects to SMR, allowing for quick and easy installation of all mods.

Check it out on GitHub!

You can also install it with winget via winget install SatisfactoryModding.SatisfactoryModManager.

For installing mods as end user we highly recommend using Satisfactory Mod Manager, as it makes using mods that much easier. However, if you really don’t want to use the launcher, directions for manual installation can be found here.

We highly recommend you to use the launcher for installing mods, as it simplifies the process significantly.

For Developers

If you’d like to write a mod of your own, this section is for you.

The Satisfactory Mod Manager offers a convenient developer mode that automatically installs SML. To enable it, change your selected profile to development.

If you’re looking to write your own mods, we suggest you start with making pak mods first rather than C++ mods. Learn more in our Getting Started Guide.

If you’re looking to make models, it’s best to learn how to put a mod together first. Once you’ve completed the Buildable step in Beginners Guide, then check out our Modeling Guide.

Installing Your "Raw" or WIP Mods

If you don’t have a packaged mod already, create one with Alpakit.

If you have a packaged mod (.zip archived mod), then you simply unpack the .zip into the <SF install dir>/FactoryGame/Mods/<ModName>. Make sure that the .uplugin file is contained directly within the <ModName> folder.

Uploading Your Mod to SMR

After you’ve finished your mod (or at least its first version), you might want to upload it to SMR. Read the dedicated docs page to know more on how to do that here!

Archived Forums

The community used to have a Discourse-powered forms website for modding discussion, but it has since been archived due to low usage. You can find the archives here.


You can find information on how to contribute to the docs in the github repo’s readme.

Modding Technologies

If you’d like to learn more about how modding works internally, this is the section for you.

Satisfactory Mod Loader (aka. SML)

Satisfactory Mod Loader (SML) provides a framework that makes it easier for mods to be able to load into systems provided by the game, and to interact with each other. It also provides many helper features to assist in mod development. Due to how CSS has configured Satisfactory, it is possible to make mods that do not require SML to function, however this is rarely done in practice.


Alpakit is an Unreal Engine Plugin created by Mircea and other contributors allowing you to easily cook and package your mod for deployment and distribution. It is also able to directly install it into your game installation for you. Behind the scenes, it uses Unreal Pak and some custom code to accomplish this.