Finding Assets

For a number of fields, you can type a friendly name of what you want to refer to, and ContentLib will try to resolve it for you. See Automatic Name Resolving for more details on this system.

However, if you want to make a Patch, you will need to specify the full blueprint path of the asset you’re patching so that ContentLib knows exactly what to modify. See the Patching page for more info as to why.

You can find this blueprint path with a number of approaches.

  • Recipes and Items: TFIT's debug mode allows you display and easily copy the paths of recipes in the Build Gun and Codex, and the paths of items in the Codex. Check out the "For Mod Developers" heading at that link.

  • Schematics: MAM Enhancer's debug mode will display the path of schematics in the HUB, MAM, and AWESOME Shop when you hover over the icon of the mod that added them or click the respective button. Check out the "For Developers" heading at that link.

  • Browsing content with ContentInspector or FModel. The path is usually obtainable by removing the text ‘Default__’ from the value in the JS_LibOuter field, which is the Outer object which registered the asset. Remember that fields that start with JS_ are not "real fields" on the object, they are extra info that ContentInspector adds for ease of viewing

  • The Satisfactory Wiki sometimes lists paths for items.

  • docs.json, a file shipped with your game. (found at <SatisfactoryInstallDirectory>\CommunityResources\Docs\Docs.json) that also contains information on most assets such as name, description, fuel value, etc.

  • Looking at a community-maintianed reference list.

  • Looking at the source code of a mod, if it’s published.

If you try to write a Patch with an incorrect blueprint path, the patch will have no effect in-game, and a log message should be present stating that the asset could not be found.