
You can find a JSON Schema for Items here.

In Satisfactory, items, fluids, gases, and some of the properties of buildings and equipment are represented by FGItemDescriptors, which ContentLib refers to as Items.

All custom item JSON files must start with the prefix Desc_. Learn how to make them on the Create an Item Tutorial page.

If you specify a value in the Category field that doesn’t exist yet, ContentLib will auto-generate a new category for you. Auto-generated Category assets have their asset name (not the in-game name) start with Cat_ for consistency with the base game, and identification.

You can attempt to hot reload Items via the button on the Mod Configuration screen, or the /CLItemReload chat command. Hot reloading is a WIP feature.

Due to a base-game bug/feature, schematics and items without assigned categories are usually not displayed in menus unless they are explicitly searched for. You can use this behavior to hide the recipes for items from display in machines.