Uploading your mod to Satisfactory Mod Repository (ficsit.app)

As of SML3.0, the data.json system has been replaced with the Unreal plugin manifest.

Once you’ve made your amazing mod, Satisfactory Mod Repository is the best place to upload it if you want others to find and use your mod. Mods uploaded to SMR will automatically work with the Mod Manager. All mods available to SMR are checked for potential security concerns, so having your mod on SMR means users can trust that it is safe and secure.

The process of uploading your mod is fairly straightforward. First, sign into SMR with an existing Github, Google, or Facebook account.

Creating Your Mod Page

Before you can upload a version of your mod for users to download, you’ll have to create the mod page and get it approved first.

On the front page of SMR, click New Mod in the top right corner to get started. Next, provide a name, short description, and long description for your mod.

  • The 'name' is the title that will appear in the mod list and browser.

  • The 'short description' is the summary text that will show up below the mod icon.

  • The 'long description' supports Markdown formatting (help on the help page) and is shown when the user clicks to 'View' your mod. You should provide a means of contacting you (preferably your Discord user tag, so staff and users can identify you on the modding discord) and a means of reporting bugs, such as a GitHub issues page or contact info.

You can edit all of these fields later.

One of the most important fields on this screen is the mod_reference field. Explained in more detail in the Mod Reference section of the Getting Started guide, your mod reference is your mod’s unique name. As a reminder, your mod’s Content folder and C++ source folder (if using C++) must have the same name as your mod reference. Your mod reference cannot contain special characters or spaces.

You can’t change the mod reference after you have added your mod to SMR!

So make sure it is correct! At least five times! And read up on the Mod Reference section again to make sure you understand what other parts of your mod need to use this same value.

Next, you can upload an image to use as the display image for your mod, and a link to your source code if it is hosted on a site like GitHub or similar. We strongly encourage you to release your source code, as it allows others to learn from your work and helps other developers debug mod compatibility.

Once you click Submit, your mod page will be created. You still need to upload a version for your mod to be usable by players. Until then, your mod will be marked as Outdated since there are no compatible versions. This version submission process will be covered in the following sections.

If you’d like, you can click 'Edit Mod' and hide your mod from discovery. This is helpful for making a library mod, for example, or if you need to split your mod into multiple sub-mods.

UPlugin File

Every Unreal Engine plugin is require to have a <mod reference>.uplugin file, and Satisfactory mods are no exception. This file is json formatted and holds information about the mod like version, credits, links and more.

You can read about all the different settings at the Plugins documentation here or at the C++ reference here.

Special Fields

Note that SML and SMR require you to include additional fields in your plugin descriptor file.

The most important of these is a mod dependency list and a SemVersion for the mod.

Make sure that you have SML listed as an item in the Plugins field, as explained below.

Below is a description of all extra fields SML and SMR require:

Parameter Description of Function


Version number for the mod. Should always increase with new releases, and should follow the semver format, ex. 2.0.0. As a rule of thumb, version 1.0.0 should be released when you are confident you won’t have many updates in the future. Note that 0.10.0 is a valid semver version, 1.0.0 does not necessarily have to come after 0.9.0.


Additional functionality has been added to the regular uplugin Plugins array. You can list other mod references (or Unreal Plugins) here, and SMM will know to download when installing your mod. If you add a plugin with a Mod Reference, this basically makes the listed mod a dependency for your mod.

The SML plugin should also always be listed here, allowing you specify what SML versions your mod supports. Each plugin should be listed as an object with the following properties:

Parameter Description of Function


Version number for the mod dependency. Should follow semver format. You can prefix the version number with a comparison operator to allow a range of versions.

The prefix ^ allows any number in the 'patch' field (aka third number in a semversion, the 3 in 1.2.3.)

The prefix >= will allow all semversions higher (and including) than the one listed. Unless you have a very specific reason for doing so, you should probably use the ^ prefix instead.


This boolean property can be set to true if the dependency is not required. But if it exists, our mod might be able to unlock more functionality that depends on it.


This boolean property should be set to true for all plugin dependencies that are not mod dependencies. For example, regular Unreal Engine plugins your mod requires. SMM will not attempt to download these because they aren’t mods.


This field is not given any extra functionality by SML, but we have listed it here as well in order to draw extra attention to it. This should be set to true in every plugin item.


A Semver range of versions accepted from the remote clients. This requires other players to have a certain version of the mod installed to be able to join hosts. See the Plugins SemVersion item above for the format for this field.


This should be true if the mod is client/server side only and can be absent on remote clients altogether.

Important C++ Fields

If your mod has C++ code, make sure that you list a UBT Module in the Modules plugin descriptor section. The examples below will demonstrate this.


You can check if your mod’s uplugin file is in the correct format with the validator on the SMR help page). If it fails validation, keep your eyes out for things like missing commas and mismatched braces and brackets. Consider asking on the Discord if you get stuck on this step.

Some example `.uplugin`s are presented here:

Example Blueprint mod .uplugin:

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"Version": 6,
	"VersionName": "6.2.1",
	"SemVersion": "6.2.1",
	"FriendlyName": "Example Mod",
	"Description": "This is a random Blueprint mod.",
	"Category": "Modding",
	"CreatedBy": "Satisfactory Modding Team",
	"CreatedByURL": "https://ficsit.app/",
	"DocsURL": "https://docs.ficsit.app/",
	"MarketplaceURL": "",
	"SupportURL": "",
	"CanContainContent": true,
	"IsBetaVersion": false,
	"IsExperimentalVersion": false,
	"Installed": false,
	"RemoteVersionRange": "^0.2.1",
	"AcceptsAnyRemoteVersion": false,
	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "SML",
			"SemVersion": "^3.0.0",
			"bIsOptional": false,
			"Enabled": true
			"Name": "DependingMod",
			"SemVersion": "^1.3.0",
			"bIsOptional": false,
			"Enabled": true

Example C++/Blueprint mod .uplugin:

	"FileVersion": 3,
	"Version": 6,
	"VersionName": "6.2.1",
	"SemVersion": "6.2.1",
	"FriendlyName": "Example Mod",
	"Description": "This is a random example C++ and Blueprint mod.",
	"Category": "Modding",
	"CreatedBy": "Satisfactory Modding Team",
	"CreatedByURL": "https://ficsit.app/",
	"DocsURL": "https://docs.ficsit.app/",
	"MarketplaceURL": "",
	"SupportURL": "",
	"CanContainContent": true,
	"IsBetaVersion": false,
	"IsExperimentalVersion": false,
	"Installed": false,
	"RemoteVersionRange": "^0.2.1",
	"AcceptsAnyRemoteVersion": false,
	"Modules": [
			"Name": "ExampleMod",
			"Type": "Runtime",
			"LoadingPhase": "PostDefault"
	"Plugins": [
			"Name": "SML",
			"SemVersion": "^3.0.0",
			"bIsOptional": false,
			"Enabled": true
			"Name": "DependingMod",
			"SemVersion": "^1.3.0",
			"bIsOptional": false,
			"Enabled": true

When you update a new version of your mod in the future, the only thing in <mod reference>.uplugin that you’ll need to change is likely the Version and SemVersion fields.

Uploading a Version

Once you have finished formatting your .uplugin, you need to make sure you packaged your mod with Alpakit, then you can upload the generated Zip-Archive located at <project folder>/Saved/ArchivedPlugins/WindowsNoEditor/<mod reference>.zip in the Version File field.

Put "Alpha", "Beta", "Release", etc. in the stability field so that users know how far along in development you consider this version of your mod to be.

Finally, write up a list of all of the things you changed or added in this version for the Changelog field. We also strongly suggest you copy this information into an 'update history' section of your mod’s description on the main mod page.

You should be all set now - press Submit!

Awaiting Approval

If you’ve uploaded a pak only mod, you’re all set, and your mod is ready for download and use! Regardless, we still suggest you read the below. If you’ve uploaded a C++ mod, however, you’ll have to wait for it to be approved by the automated approval process before users can download it. The approval process is generally quite quick, about 1 to 3 minutes, and exists to make sure that users aren’t uploading content that violates SMR’s terms and conditions or harms players' computers.

In the meantime, we strongly suggest you take a look at your mod description and consider adding additional information to it. The mod description is what most players will see when deciding whether or not they want to use your mod, so keep it organized, and try to leave a good first impression! We suggest taking the following steps to encourage users to try out your mod:

  • Check your grammar and spelling! Consider asking someone else to proofread your description. It’s an easy thing to do, and having correct grammar makes you appear more professional.

  • Pictures! Take some screenshots of what your mod can do, and what its buildings or features look like in game. Again, the long description supports Markdown formatting, which you can get help with using on the help page.

  • List where you can be reached for help, issue reporting, leaving suggestions, etc. Where do you want users to report issues to you with the mod? Via Discord, the forums, your mod’s Github page, or somewhere else? Consider putting your Discord tag in your mod description so people can contact you on the community Discord, and consider changing your nickname on the server to include your mod name.

  • Explain concepts or features of your mod that may be unclear to the user. Unless you write documentation or a guide for how to use your mod, players might have some trouble figuring out how to use all of the amazing new content in your mod.

  • List the features of your mod, and how to unlock them for use in-game. Consider listing what tiers the content is unlocked at.

  • Credit other users that contributed ideas, models, etc. by name and/or by link.