Session Settings

This page is a work in progress.

Introduced in SML3.5, Session Settings (referred to in-game as Mod Savegame Settings) are a feature similar to Advanced Game Settings that allows mods to store configuration information on a per-game-save basis. They do not require Advanced Game Settings to be enabled to be used.

Session Settings are currently stored in the Map Travel URL, making them available exceedingly early in the loading process. This may change in the future.

It’s possible to make a session setting specific to only a certain level, making them particularly useful for providing config options for custom levels since they can be edited before the save is created.

Defining New Session Settings

Session Settings are defined by Data Assets. To create a Session Setting in Blueprint, in a content browser right click and select Create Advanced Asset > Miscellaneous > Data Asset and search for SMLSessionSetting.

Selecting a Str Id

Session Settings inherit from UFGUserSetting, the class the game uses to define the configuration options in the settings menu.

The "Str Id" field is a unique identifier for the session setting and is used for retriving the value of the session setting later. See the table below for some examples of Str Ids and things to keep in mind when selecting one.

Table 1. Example Session Setting Str Ids
✔️ Good Example ❌ Bad Practice

✔️ YourModReference.EnableFizzBuzz

Prefix the id with your Mod Reference to ensure it is unique across mods.


Another mod could implement a session setting by this name, leading to a conflict.

✔️ YourModReference.WhizzbangStrengthMult

Since session settings are referenced by their string id, giving them a verbose, unique name makes it easy to find all usages of the setting in code via a find operation.


Multiplier for what? It’s easy to forget what this setting controls, and if you ever decide to add other "multipliers" in the future, they could easily be mentally confused with this one.

✔️ YourModReference.PowerCostMultFloat

Since you must use a type-specific method to read/write a Session Setting, consider including the setting’s type as part of its id as a reminder of what type it is. Unfortunately using the wrong getter method is currently a silent error due to how the FG Options system is implemented, making this problem particularly annoying to track down.

✔️ YourModRef.MinerMk1.PowerCostMultFloat

Consider indicating which building/feature a setting applies to if you offer multiple settings with similar names or functionality.

Selecting Session Setting Behaviors

Not all of the properties of UFGUserSetting are relevant to Session Settings. You will have to experiment to see which ones have an effect. Please update this documentation page via "Edit This Page" in the top right with your findings.

Checking the "Use CVar" field is only required if you wish to allow modifying the value of the session setting via the game console.

SML automatically forces the following property values on Session Settings. If you change any of these properties they will be automatically reset to these values next time the asset is loaded.

  • ShowInBuilds: Public Builds to ensure that session settings are visible to the user

  • ManagerAvailability: USM MAX, which is an invalid value, ensuring that the setting never displays in base-game options menus.

  • IsSettingSessionWide: true to ensure that multiplayer clients are able to modify session settings and have their changes stored with the save file.

In order to have a session setting only editable at save creation, use the "Don’t show in game" Visibility Disqualifier.


A Session Setting must be registered to be usable by the player.

To register a Session Setting, list it in the relevant array of your mod’s Game Instance Module.

Registering a Session Setting makes it available to be configured in the SML Session Settings menu which is available at both world creation and in the pause menu.

Reading and Writing Session Settings

You can read the value of a session setting via the "Get <something> Option Value" method of the Session Settings Manager. You can also subscribe to changes via "Subscribe to Dynamic Option Update".

If you want to programatically modify the value of a session setting, use the "Set <something> Option Value" method of the Session Settings Manager.

Check ExampleMod for some example session settings and how to read their values. There is an example in the ExampleMod Level Blueprint and in the Game World Module.

An example of reading a integer Session Setting value from C++:

// self->GetWorld() can be substituted with any other method of obtaining world context
USessionSettingsManager* SessionSettings = self->GetWorld()->GetSubsystem<USessionSettingsManager>();
auto optionValue = SessionSettings->GetIntOptionValue("YourModReference.IntSessionSetting");

Session Settings vs. Mod Config


Mod Config is better for user interface or visual stuff since it is saved with the user’s game and carries over between saves.

Session Settings are good for things you want to be a choice per save file, such as options for a custom level.

Session Setting values are replicated in multiplayer.

Advanced Game Settings

In order to create an Advanced Game Setting instead of a Session Setting, create a data asset of type FGUserSetting instead of SMLSessionSetting.

Once the type is set to Advanced Game Setting in the asset properties, the game will automatically discover it and add it to the Advanced Game Settings menu for you. You can use the same category system as Session Settings to control what categories it appears in. This is also true for Photo Mode and Options Menu settings, if for some reason you want to add values to those.