Webhook Notifications

Requires Disc-IT to be installed and configured. This page addresses the unique features of Remote Monitoring’s usage of Webhook Notifications.

A standard set of JSON files is located at %SatisfactoryRootFolder%\FactoryGame\Mods\FicsitRemoteMonitoring\JSON. You have set your own custom set of JSON files placed anywhere on your system so that they are not tampered with. Please note the below variables for each notification system. More are planned, as well more data to be used in notifications.

Flavor text is provided as a randomizer to keep Webhook notifications from being bland. The FlavorText.json file allows for setting up different situations with random flavor.

Customized JSON files can be made as long as they are valid JSON files. It is recommended to keep these custom files in an unique location not in the game files for save keeping. Configurations for file locations are located in the Mod Configuration page. All JSON files are completely open to customization, but the flavor text randomizer does use the arrays stated in the default file.

Discord Webhooks can be done with text. I strongly recommend this guide for assistance in setting them up.

Battery Notification Varibles
Action: Power operational, but on backup power. Also appears on each battery remaining trigger.
Default File: UPSPower.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Circuit ID Number


Time in HH:MM:SS until battery(ies) depletion


% of battery charge remaining


Randomized Flavor Text (Battery/Detrimental)

Player Notification Varibles
Action: Player connected/disconnected notification
Default File: PlayerOnline.json / PlayerOffline.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Username (Based on Steam/Epic Username} that connected/disconnected. Note: Non-server logouts by host are not triggered.


Randomized Flavor Text (Player/Positive)

Power Notification Varibles
Action: Power fuse has tripped
Default File: Outage.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Circuit ID Number


Randomized Flavor Text (Power/Detrimental)

Research Notification Varibles
Action: Milestone/M.A.M. Research Completed
Default File: Research.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Milestone/M.A.M. Research Name


Recipes Unlocked


Randomized Flavor Text (Research/Positive)

Hard Drive Notification Varibles
Action: Hard Drive Research Completed, but not selected
Default File: Schematic.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Available schematics found from HDD


Randomized Flavor Text (Research/Positive)

Doggo Item Notificaion
Action: A lizard doggo has found something
Default File: Doggo.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Name of Item Found


Quantity of Item Found


Lizard Doggo’s owner (Future Feature)


Randomized Flavor Text (Doggo/Positive)

Train Derailment Notificaion
Action: Train has derailed (Warning: Will trigger twice if two trains. WIP: make both trains one notification)
Default File: Derail.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Name of Train derailed


Name of Train Station the Train was heading to


Randomized Flavor Text (Train/Detrimental)

Train Error Notificaion
Action: Train has suffered an error
Default File: TrainError.json Self-Driving Error Types: TrainErrorMessage.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Name of Train with error


Self-Driving Error Type


Name of Train Station the Train was heading to


Randomized Flavor Text (Train/Detrimental)

Train Stuck/Idle Notificaion
Action: Train has been idle/stuck for configurable amount of time
Default File: TrainIdle.json

Varible Name Purpose/Data:


Name of Train with error


Name of Train Station the Train was heading to


Randomized Flavor Text (Train/Detrimental)